Anderson, James H (IT) wrote:
I have the following sybase query (a left join) that I'm having trouble
translating into the "LEFT JOIN" syntax. Any help appreciated.


create table tmpRR_ML as
b.ratingCode    as ratingCode,
a.CDSpreadCurve as CDSpreadCurve
  from tmpRR a,
       MasterList b,
       crRefRating c
 where b.dunsNumber = b.ultimateDuns;
   and a.Credit_Ultimate_Party_Id *= b.dunsNumber
   and b.ratingCode *= c.rating;

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I suspect this should be the following for SQLite, but I'm just guessing at the *= syntax from sybase.

create table tmpRR_ML as
b.ratingCode    as ratingCode,
a.CDSpreadCurve as CDSpreadCurve
from tmpRR a left join MasterList b on a.Credit_Ultimate_Party_Id = b.dunsNumber
   left join crRefRating c on b.ratingCode = c.rating
where b.dunsNumber = b.ultimateDuns;

Dennis Cote

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