> in the older version of TCL you have installed, not in SQLite

Hmm. It's definitely a Tcl bug, but I'm not convinced about it being in the older Tcl that I have - the SPARC machine that fails corrupt2.test has a newer version than the PC that passes.


I built tcl8.4.14 and tcl8.5a5 on both machines and the corrupt2.test fails identically under both versions. There were some new failures in 8.5a5; a couple of printf.test tests fail because of a minor formatting mismatch and a tclsqlite.test fails because of a new error message.

I built tcl8.4.9 from source on both machines and all tests pass on both.

So, the failure is a regression in Tcl sometime between 8.4.9 and 8.4.14. I'm going to wimp out and file a bug report rather than spend any more time pinning down the exact version.


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