> Hi,
> (I hope we are not getting off-topic)

We seem to be, sorry everyone! I trued e-mailing you directly - I hope you
don't mind, but your mail server refused the mail!

> (I'm using Code::Blocks IDE. If you wish I can send sqlite project
> file for it. Project file has gcc,vc,bcc,dmc release and debug build
> targets.)

I tried to install Code::Blocks but hit a wall with wxWidgets and couldn't
get any help. Specifically, Code::Blocks launches and a test app compiles
fine. I get the option to create a wxWidgets project, however when I click
finish at the end of the wizard, I get an error message saying

"A matching configuration file cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory
you specified. This means your project will not build."

On the third page of the wizard, it asks me where wxWidgets has been
installed and I have pointed it at the sub-directory of c:codeblocks that
I used (containing lib and include, as the dialog suggests).

Could you talk me through (assume I'm a total idiot and don't worry about
aiming too low!!!) how you got yours installed?

> I think you need an import library. Don't know whether gcc creates it with
> def file automatically.
> dlltool -dllname sqlite3.dll -d sqlite3.def --output-lib libsqlite3dll.a

I know I'm asking a lot, but if you could go on with a "click here and
type this there" type explanation to get the SQLite sample app working
with the config, that'd ber REALLY good :-)

>> I really am lost here, all this C++ stuff is new to me. SQL is old hat
>> (I've used it with php, java, Access etc etc) and I'm now of the age
>> (feeling a very old 41!!) where I don't want hassle so I'm not sure that
>> having direct knowledge of the beast is really beneficial!
> There is a big conflict: You don't want hassle and choosed C++ ;)
> Seriously, if your project does not need C++ then give a chance to Lua
> and wxLua.

I have been developing the app in Java, but it's just too slow. I also
want it to have a more native feel on (initially windows) the host

>> If you can help me get this working, you really will have my eternal
>> gratitude.
> Let me first sell Code::Blocks to you :) I promise I'll send you a
> complete wx-sqlite3 sample project!

I have no particular preference for any IDE. I only have 2 requirements:-

1) It must work (without needing a PHd in computing to make that happen!)
2) It must cost me very little (i.e. nothing!!!)

So, Code::Blocks is ok if only 1) can be solved! Can you help?


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