Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
I still wonder about the utility of storing binary data in the db itself. Maybe it makes it more easy to distribute that way, but how often does one distribute an entire database in a "vendor specific" format?

I'm quite interested in hearing people's reasoning for going the blob route, when you have a perfectly good "database" format for "blobs" already (various filesystems).

We use the sqlite encryption extension. We want our blobs encrypted as well as our database, so putting the blobs into the database makes sense. We have a special table for the blobs that has a primary key (3 columns) and the blob. The rest of the data is contained in other tables.

We don't need to worry about atomically deleting disk blobs and database rows. We take advantage of the ACID nature of sqlite. This way we don't have to code for contingencies where the user has managed to delete or corrupt a blob, or a blob that our app can't delete even when it deletes the database row.

Having everything in one package. Makes tech support much easier if the user only has to transmit a single file instead of an entire directory.

We modify the blobs at runtime. ACIDness of sqlite is very nice here. I don't want to try to re-implement this directly on the filesystem (even if it becomes a simple rename operation).

Our blobs vary in size from 12K to 3M. Sqlite is not a performance bottleneck for us... the client's internet connection is.

I have not done extensive performance tests on these settings, but these are the settings that our app uses when it creates/opens the sqlite database:

   db.ExecuteImmediate("PRAGMA page_size=4096");
   db.ExecuteImmediate("PRAGMA legacy_file_format=ON");
   db.ExecuteImmediate("PRAGMA cache_size=8000");
   db.ExecuteImmediate("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF");
   db.ExecuteImmediate("PRAGMA temp_store=2");

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