
Thanks for the additional info. I'll look into the multi-column index
idea. Sounds as if it might be the solution.


On Thu, 2007-03-01 at 14:42 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Stephen Toney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks, Igor, Richard, and Tom,
> > 
> > Why doesn't SQLite use the index on key? I can see from the plan that it
> > doesn't, but why not? Can only one index be used per query?
> > 
> > This seems strange. I have used SQL Server and Visual Foxpro for this
> > same problem, and they both handle this query in a second if the indexes
> > are there.
> SQLite is limited to a single index per table of the FROM clause.
> (In your case the same table occurs twice in the FROM clause, so
> each instance can use a separate indices, but each instance can
> only use a single index.)  Other systems relax this restriction
> through the use of bitmap indices.  SQLite does not (directly) 
> support bitmap indices.  You can achieve about the same thing
> as a bitmap index by playing games with rowids, but the SQL
> needed to do so is convoluted.  In your case, I think the query
> would need to be:
>  SELECT count(*)
>    FROM keyword AS a CROSS JOIN keyword AS b
>   WHERE a.value='music'
>     AND b.rowid IN (
>          SELECT rowid FROM keyword WHERE value='history'
>          INTERSECT
>          SELECT rowid FROM keyword WHERE key=a.key
>     );
> It seems so much simpler to use a multi-column index.  It is almost
> certainly going to be faster.
> > 
> > Is there a good place to read more about this SQLite behavior? I'm
> > fairly familiar with the online documentation and don't recall reading
> > this.
> > 
> You might get a few hints at
> and the pages that follow.  That is from a talk I gave in 2004.  It
> is somewhat out of date.  My goal for this calendar year is to get
> some detailed documentation online about the kinds of issues you
> are seeing.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Stephen Toney
Systems Planning

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