On Thu, 2007-03-01 at 15:13 -0800, jp wrote:
> Hi, I have a custom collation sequence (e.g.
> mycollate).  Are there any advantages in terms of
> performance of declaring this collation at the table
> level, instead of just at the index level?
> For example, if I have:
>  CREATE TABLE people AS (
>  country_id char(02),
>  lastname varchar(100), 
>  phone varchar(50) 
>  );
>  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX people_mycollate on people (
>   country_id, 
>   lastname COLLATE mycollate
>   );
> - - - - - -
> ...will the following use the index (about 500k recs)?
> - - - - - -
>  SELECT lastname FROM people 
>  WHERE country_id='US' AND lastname>'A' 
>  ORDER BY country_id,lastname COLLATE mycollate
>  LIMIT 100;
> - - - - - -

SQLite will use the index to implement the country_id='US' clause,
and the ORDER BY, but not the lastname>'A' clause. This is because
the lastname>'A' doesn't use the "mycollate" collation. 

If the COLLATE clause was specified as part of the table 
definition, then lastname>'A' would be a "mycollate" comparison
and the index would be used for this too.


> I want to separate the table definition from the
> search/query/sort order, to have the flexibility of
> creating/dropping indexes as needed for different
> collations depending on the user's locale.
> jp
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