  "In a situation where if the sqliteDB gets corrupted is there a way to

   recover the data ?"
   "...The scenrio is an embedded device with sqlite in it and user does
not have direct access to the DB.
So, are there any Sqlite interfaces which do the recovery job mentioned
in your email ?" may need someone more knowledgeable than myself.

I would expect one would need considerably more information about the
embedded device.
Suppose there was a wonderful sqlite recovery utility program.   How
could that program get access to the database?  If you can export the
sqlite database and bring it to a desktop machine (either linux or
windows or other) you could presumably perform the steps easily, then
import the repaired database back into the device.

I know you mention "no direct access" -- but what sort of access would
the desired utility program have??

A feature of sqlite, BTW, is that you can transport a database file
between machines with different byte orders without problems.

If there is no way to get the database out of the embedded device, then
if the firmware can be updated, one could have the firmware perform the
vacuum itself (assuming there's sufficient flash ram or disk space on
the device).

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