  Yes the data will be read later by down stream processing. 
  I do have the option of either putting the data into sqlite at the start 
(when its read) or putting it into a flat file and then Later loading it into a 
sqlite db via a downstream job.
  A great deal of the data columns are simple numeric values and thats where 
sqlite really shines in that is portable between systems having differing 

  Here is a summary of the entire processing where a1/b1 are different 
processes and probably differnt host platforms.
  a1, read from producing system, generate output data (be it flat file or 
  a2. Compress data file.
  a3. Transfer  compressed datafile to target system.
  a4. Goto a1
  b1. Receive datafile and uncompress.
  b2. Read datafile and load into Master DB. (This might just be a simple 
  b3. Massage data in Master db ???
  b4. Read and process data from MasterDb. Delete or mark as deleteable.
  b5. Delete processed data from MasterDb. (this could be in a seperate thread).
  b6. Goto step b1.
  The nice thing about simply attaching as a DB in step b2 is that when all 
data is processed from step b4 then step b5 to purge is a simple detach and 
operating system unlink for the underlying datafile. Which I suspect will be 
infinately faster than a sql delete command.
Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Ken wrote:
> This is a write only app. 100% insert. 

Why bother putting the data into a database if you are never going to 
read it back out? Other formats, such as a flat text file are much 
better for logs or archives.

If, in fact, you will be reading the data at some point then you need to 
also compare the time it takes to retrieve the data of interest from 
your flat file vs the sqlite database.

Dennis Cote

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