I'm having trouble wrapping my head around a solution here.  Any advice is 

I'm working on a SQLite-based app for keeping track of PC BIOS releases.  One 
obvious requirement is to be able to track and document change history.  So, 
using this sample schema/data code:

create table bios_release (
  oid integer primary key, 
  parent_id integer, 
  group_id integer, 
  version text, 
  bios_name text

insert into bios_release values (1, null, 1, '1.10', 'PC1_v1.1');
insert into bios_release values (2, null, 2, '1.10', 'PC2_v1.1');
insert into bios_release values (3, 1, 1, '1.20', 'PC1_v1.2');
insert into bios_release values (4, null, 3, '1.10', 'PC3_v1.1');
insert into bios_release values (5, 3, 1, '1.30', 'PC1_v1.3');

/* irrelevant to the discussion, but provided for clarity (?) */
create table bios_group (

  oid integer primary key,

  group_name text


insert into bios_group values (1, 'PC1 Group');

insert into bios_group values (2, 'PC2 Group');

insert into bios_group values (3, 'PC3 Group');

I see two ways to go to know which releases.  The obvious way is  to simply 
maintain a history group with an ID number that gets stored in each member BIOS 
release record.  A simple:

select * from bios_release where group = 1 order by version desc;

will get me all the members of the PC1 Group in descending order.  That's fine, 
but, creating, naming, and maintaining the groups is a hassle for the 

The other option I'm considering is chaining each new bios_release to its 
predecessor by storing the predecessor OID in the parent_id column.  Doing it 
this way makes some sense from the admin process POV because usually, the admin 
has a new BIOS with a set of known properties, and not necessarily any 
knowledge of what group it might belong to, or whether or not she needs to 
create a new group for this BIOS.

So, finally, the question:  What might the SQL look like to retrieve a list of 
predecessors for 'PC1_v1.3'?  Sure, I could prepare a stmt in the app (Perl), 
and walk the chain in some fashion. Is this result even possible using plain 



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