Thanks for the comments.

Ken wrote:
I've used PL/SQL on Oracle. I think it was derived from another language, maybe PL/1. I think its an excellent language, my main usage was geared at PL/SQL for DBA usage that managed internal oracle objects. Pros: Packages / Procedures/ Functions have a really nice hierarchy. Exception handling was excellent.
           cursor handing internaly was good.
           Record handling was good.
Cons: Permission sheme was a pain. Ofter requiring direct ownership of objects rather than through grants.
             Array handling was poor. Var arrays helped but seemed rather 
cumbersome to utilize.
Triggers are implemented via PL/SQL.
John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am looking for advice experienced 
DBMS users please.

I am currently implementing an application server using Sqlite as an embedded RDBMS and have a need for expanded function capability. My server provides support for AJAX style WWW applications.

I have not used PLSQL to any significant degree and would be interested to hear pros and cons from users. I am attracted to have a function language compatible with Oracle and PostgreSQL but wonder if PLSQL is actually a good language to create SQL functions which realise business rules and whether users find it easy to grasp so that they can maintain the PLSQL functions. Does anyone have a better idea?

My plan is to compile the function language into a byte code and embed a virtual machine to execute it. The application server already has a virtual machine which executes a simple language which integrates SQL, HTML and Javascript along with some rudimentary control structures to define workflow. The function language would be used to define business rules and be part of a remote procedure call process used by the AJAX applications.

I should very much appreciate some wise counsel.

BTW, I shall make the server available if it turns out to work as planned.

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