Here is an excerpt from my requirements doc:

If a transaction is aborted all database state is reset
("rolled-back") to its value at the time the transaction was opened.
Nested transactions abort or commit relative to their
parent transaction. In the case of an aborted transaction,
the database state is rolled back to the point where
the transaction was started. (This is true whether
or not the transaction is nested.) In the case of
a commit, the nested transaction’s changes become
part of its parent transaction, as if the nested
transaction boundaries had never been established.

If I had to implement this with the current SQLite,
I would start a new TEMP table at each BEGIN, and
destroy the current TEMP table at a ROLLBACK or
add its contents to its parent table (either
the previous TEMP table or the "real" table at a

I think that does everything you need, and would be
easy to program.



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