This is my first post and it is out of desperation.  I am using Borland c++
builder with Borland developer studio 2006 I can not for the life of me get
anything sqlite functioning properly with this.  I have relentlessly
searched google as well as the mailing list and tried any information I have
found and have been for the most part completely unsuccessful and it is
beginning to drive me a little crazy.  


  When I try to use the header I get errors

 [C++ Error] sqlite3.h(1778): E2232 Constant member
'sqlite3_index_info::nConstraint' in class without constructors


Perhaps I can not include the header directly like that, either way I then
tried to use a dll. 

I did the following from which I found in the mailing list:


  impdef -a sqlite3.def sqlite3.dll

  impdef sqlite3.lib sqlite3.def


  I then add this lib file to my project and it compiled however when using
any code involving sqlite it turned to disaster.


  I added to my code:


  typedef struct sqlite3 sqlite3;


As well as: 


extern "C" {

 __declspec(dllimport) int sqlite3_open(const char *filename,sqlite3

 __declspec(dllimport) int sqlite3_close(sqlite3*);



It compiled fine and I was able to declare:


__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)

            : TForm(Owner)



sqlite3 *db;

int res;


res = sqlite3_open("my.db",&db);


I had an if statement as well checking "res", etc but just calling
sqlite3_open causes some sort of unknown exception.  I have no idea what to
do Ive been trying to figure this out for many, many hours.  Can someone
please help me 


Thanks and Much, much appreciation,

- Jon




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