Hello Lloyd,

I've seen files fail on FAT32 with only 10-12K files in the folder.
The problem is there's a fixed number of directory entries and when
you use long filenames, more then one entry is used to store the
names. So, basically you have no way to determine when the next "file
open" will fail. FAT32 is the devil. You should transition to something better.


Thursday, May 3, 2007, 11:50:16 PM, you wrote:

L> Thank you Arjen. I would consider your alternative or I will go for some
L> other file system. (Because I would have to handle files larger than
L> 2GB)

L> Thanks and Regards,
L>  Lloyd

L> On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 13:52 +0200, Arjen Markus wrote:
>> Lloyd wrote:
>> >This error occurs only on FAT 32 file system! I have a directory with
>> >32764 files. one of the file is my sqlite database. It seems that, when
>> >the file count reaches around this particular no. the SQLite cant open
>> >database error occurs. Can anybody give me some hint? (I am mounting
>> >FAT32 file system on my Linux)
>> >
>> >  
>> >
>> That is a very large number of files! I know FAT32 can not handle files 
>> larger than
>> 2 GB, and I imagine there is limit on the number of files as well. Try 
>> creating
>> some subdirectories and moving the files there. The problem is most 
>> likely in the filesystem.
>> Regards,
>> Arjen
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