On Wed, 9 May 2007 17:29:29 +0400
Tomash Brechko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 16:32:34 +0400, bash wrote:
> > SELECT * FROM ex1 WHERE x>'abc' AND y>'abc';
> > In this form only one indexes will be used, why not both?
> One index per table rule.  At first glance it seems like SQLite could
> use at least one index for "x=5 OR y=7" case too, but there is no
> point in that, as the other part of the OR would require full table
> scan anyway.

Why full table scan? :/
SQLite can takes set (1) of rowid by ex(x) index for
"X=5". Then takes another set (2) of rowid by ex(y) for "Y=7".
Then SQLite need only to union this two set (1) and (2).
Final SQLite should returns rows where rowid in (set1 union set2).

> And for the solution with the UNION,
>   sqlite> explain query plan
>      ...>   SELECT id, n1, n2
>      ...>   FROM tbl
>      ...>   WHERE  n1 = $I
>      ...> UNION
>      ...>   SELECT id, n1, n2
>      ...>   FROM tbl
>      ...>   WHERE  n2 = $I
>      ...> ORDER BY id DESC;
>   0|0|TABLE tbl WITH INDEX idx1
>   0|0|TABLE tbl WITH INDEX idx2

Yep... Im using now this construction.

Biomechanical Artificial Sabotage Humanoid

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