Can one attach multiple database files using C API?  The only example
I've seen is CLI-based (using ATTACH).  The Owens book seems to hint
that it's possible to do the same trick using sqlite3_open()...

Quote Pgs. 206-207:
This is more of a connection handle than a database handle since it is
possible to attach multiple databases to a single connection.
However, this connection still represents exactly one transaction
context regardless of how many databases are attached.

But no example is given.  Here's mine:

   sqlite3 *db;

   if (sqlite3_open("flash.db", &db)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Can't open the database in the Flash file system\n");
   } else if (sqlite3_open("ram.db", &db)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Can't open the database in the RAM-disk file

Should this work?  If so, is sqlite3_close() "smart" enough to handle
this situation?  If not, how does sqlite3 (CLI) manage this feat?


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