I haven't used SQLite for that yet (I will in the near future) but with mysql 
my longes statement was at least several megabytes.
I create statements automatically. I think so far the longes created 
statement was a PCA trafsformation from table with about 2000 columns 
(would have been more if mysql supported that).
Coefficients were already calculated, so a single column in the result table 
was created from at least 2 * 2000 tokens.
I don't remember exact length, but possibly even longer statements was 
created using a few CASE .. WHEN constructs with lengthy calculations for 
every condition with lots of columns.

----- Original Message -----
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 23:32:53 +0000
Subject: [sqlite] Longest "real" SQL statement

> I'm looking for an upper bound on how big legitimate 
> SQL statements handed to SQLite get to be.  I'm not
> interested in contrived examples.  I want to see
> really big SQL statements that are actually used in
> real programs.
> "Big" can be defined in several ways:
>     *  Number of bytes of text in the SQL statement.
>     *  Number of tokens in the SQL statement
>     *  Number of result columns in a SELECT
>     *  Number of terms in an expression
> If you are using really big SQL statements, please
> tell me about them.  I'd like to see the actual
> SQL text if possible.  But if your use is proprietary,
> please at least tell me how big your query is in
> bytes or tokens or columns or expression terms.
> Thanks.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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