On 5/12/07, Jens Miltner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am 12.5.07 um 04:26 schrieb Andrew Finkenstadt:

> It would appear that I need one "sqlite3* handle" in order to execute
> statements such as "pragma page_size=32768;", but the act of calling
> sqlite3_open(filename, &handle) creates the file, which prevents the
> changing of the page size, as the sqlite master tables are created,
> thereby
> rubbing up against the proviso, " The page-size may only be set if the
> database has not yet been created. ".
> Or am I missing something really obvious?
> Plainly I can compile sqlite3.c with SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE equal
> to my
> desired page size, but surely that was not the way its use was
> intended.

Did you actually try it? I believe I tried it once and it would
actually change the page size if I run the pragma command as the
first thing after opening the sqlite connection...

Actually I did... but I forgot that my .open() call checked for the
existence of my necessary tables and created them, automatically.

Problem fixed.


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