You can use our free XCopy-deployable dhRPCServer for this purpose 
(using our dhSQLite-COM-Wrapper at the server- and the clientside).

Both components are designed, to work together as
optimal as possible. The App-Server has a (runtime-)
adjustable ThreadPool and can serve up to 10000 COM-
Requests per second (in case of a simple String-Reflection).

Regarding (Read/Write) SQLite-Access the COM-based 
dhSQLite-Wrapper is used on both, the server- and the 
An SQLite-Request then goes as follows:
After establishing a connection to the AppServer, the
client sends an RPC-COM-Request to a serverside DLL.

'gets the serialized content of a serverside Recordset
strSQL = "Select * from Table"
ByteArray = RPCConn.DoRPC("DBServer.dll", "classSQLite", "GetRecordset", _
                      TimeOutSeconds, strSQL)
Set ClientRs = New dhSQLite.cRecordset
ClientRs.Content = ByteArray

Now you can use this disonnected clientside Recordset in your
Application and add new records, delete records, change records,
or sort records on it. 
If you want to save your changes from this recordset on the
serverside you will have to do the following:
ByteArray = ClientRs.ContentChangesOnly
RPCConn.DoRPC "DBServer.dll", "classSQLite", "UpdateBatch", _
                      TimeOutSeconds, ByteArray

At the serverside (in DBServer.dll, classSQLite, method UpdateBatch):
Set Conn = GetSQLiteConnectionFromPool()
Set Rs = New dhSQLite.cRecordset
Set Rs.ActiveConnection = Conn
Rs.Content = ReceivedByteArray

Due to the fast serialization/deserialization-routines in our SQLite-
Wrapper (and of course the fast performing SQLite-engine itself),
we can reach up to 500 "midrange-SQLite-Selects" per second 
(encrypted and compressed) from concurrent clients (server running 
on a cheap Athlon-X2-processor) and can easily drive a 100MBit-LAN 
into its limits.
Try it out, there is a Binary Demo on our site, containing
the server-part (including the sqlite-engine and our wrapper)
and a DB-Demo-Client, wich can be used for MultiUser-Stress-
Tests. There's no setup needed, neither for the serverpart,
nor for the client-demo - all is working with registryless COM-
components "out of the box", leaving no traces in your Win-registry.

In a second ZIP you will find VB6-Sources for both parts 
(Client- and Server-Part).

Olaf Schmidt

noname wrote:
> I am using SQL Server as a back end in my vb6 application i want to switch
> over to sqlite server but site has not provided rates
> for server. so i am confused that should i use it or not i enquired on
> sites also but i am getting proper answer from them. My application
> process huge data of hospital. please suggest me that what i should do may
> i can waint for SQlite server or suggest me other server like SQLite
> server on which Developer licence are available. My client should not need
> to purchase back end. 
> arvind parmar 

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