I've been using the Delphi ASGSqlite components with static linking for some time with version 3.3.13. I'd like to move on up to 3.4.0, however, no one seems to have documented how to do this yet.

I tried compiling the Amalgamation with Borland C++ 5.0 and it generates the obj file nicely. However, when I attempt to link the obj into my application, I am getting an "unsatisfied forward declaration __streams".

I'm a Delphi programmer and it is more than frustrating attempting to figure out what libraries are missing and how to even find them in the wide, wonderful world. I programmed in C back in the '80's, so my skill set there is beyond rusty.

Can someone point me to resources so I can learn enough to solve these types of issues on my own in the future? I've tried Google and it hasn't given me anything of value, but I could be asking the wrong questions.

John Elrick

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