On 22.06.2007 17:48 CE(S)T, Yves Goergen wrote:
>     Match m1 = Regex.Match(param1, "^([0-9]+)");
>     if (m1.Success)
>     {
>       Match m2 = Regex.Match(param2, "^([0-9]+)");
>       if (m2.Success)
>       {
>         int cmpNum = int.Parse(m1.Groups[1].Value) -
>           int.Parse(m2.Groups[1].Value);
>         if (cmpNum != 0) return cmpNum;
>       }
>     }
>     return String.Compare(param1, param2, true);

Oh, well, I just realised that this will only sort numbers "naturally"
at the beginning of strings, but not in the middle or at the end. It
will be a bit more complex to do that. Maybe I find a sort/compare
algorithm for it. But at least I know now that it's easy to use. :)

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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