- indexes that include all possible combinations of fields that may appear
in a WHERE clause.

As an aside, note that, AFAIK, indexes are only used:

1. To get the first match of a query. If you ask for more than one matching record, the second, third etc matches are found by searching, not through the index.

2. From left to right in the same order as your index. So if you create index MyIndex on MyTable ( Column1, Column2, Column3 ), then you must test them in the same order, eg: where Column1 = Value1 and Column2 = Value2 or Column3 = Value3. If you miss a column in the sequence or place one out of order, the index won't be used from that point in the test onwards.

3. In equality tests, eg "=" (equals) and "in". If you use "like" for comparison, the index isn't used. The last test (only) may be one or two inequality tests, such as ">" or "<". And that last test must be in sequence (ie rule 2).

I hope this helps a bit. Some more learned SQLiters out there may care to correct or clarify.


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