[In the message "[sqlite] Re: how do i declare and use variables in sqlite?" on 
Aug 2, 18:22, "Igor Tandetnik" writes:]
> Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > how do i declare and use variables in sqlite?
> You don't. You declare and use variables in whatever program you write 
> that runs SQLite statements.
> Igor Tandetnik 

This is certainly true, but there might be cases where one wants
to keep certain results between sql statements and reuse them.
While this conceptual solution is certainly not the Variable
it sort of gets the job done.

create temporary table vars (name text, value something);
insert into vars set name="x", value=0;
... where something = (select value from vars where name="x")...

I real life you might want to create better named temporary table 
directly with select and use its values without having to
search through names.
If this is slow you can attach in memory database which would then
be used to store "variables".


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