Hi Nick, 

On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 17:39:16 +0100, you wrote:

> When enclosed in a single transaction, would inserting
> many rows into a table using the special default keyword
> 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' result in all of the rows
> guaranteeing the same timestamp value?

Did you try?
I did. Surprisingly, it doesn't give the same value in every
row. Perhaps it should. Joe Celko thinks it should.
(SQL for Smarties, third edition, 2005 Elsevier; 
 paragraph 4.2.3 Handling Timestamps).

> If not, is there a recommended way to assign a unique
> value to a collection of inserts in a single transaction
> generated from a trigger?

I'm sorry, I have no usable ideas at the moment.
Your problem suggests the timestamp will be used as a foreign
key. In such cases I usually use a natural key (i.e. propagate
the primary key of the referred table) or generate a synthetic
key for both in the application.

> Thanks in advance
> Nick

  (  Kees Nuyt

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