> I think you will be much much better off to put every
> thread it is own private address space.  In other words,
> turn each thread into a separate process.  Threads are
> an invention of the devil.  Stay as far away from these
> fiendish abominations as you can get.

In Unix processes are rather cheap ("fork", etc.), and as threads got
added late (mid 90ies) to the unix (posix) standard, several
concurrent threading implementation are spreading around, and pthread
is just one of them. Famous book "Advanced Programming in Unix
Environment" by Stevens (1992) doesn't cover threads at all, but
processes. Butenhof's "Programming with POSIX Threads" (1997) is one
of the first and best book that explains the new standard unix

In Win32, process are more expensive (more management overhead), and
threads, "fibers" or even "I/O complettion ports" are the prefered way
to go.

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