I am running sqlite 3.4.2 and I am trying to get the extension_functions.c
extenstion to work.  I have followed the directions:

How To Build a Loadable Extension Shared Library on Linux

0. untar latest sqlite3 source code in a new directory

1. cd to the newly untarred sqlite directory

2. Comment out the line in Makefile.in to enable loadable extensions:


3. ./configure LIBS=-ldl && make sqlite3


5. gcc -I`pwd` -fPIC -shared src/extension_functions.c -o libsqlitefunctions.so

6. ./sqlite3

and when I do ".load libsqlitefunctions.so sqlite3RegisterExtraFunctions" I
get "unable to open shared library".  I tried putting
libsqlitefunctions.sointo the current directory but to no avail. I
even tried to do ".load
./libsqlitefunctions.so sqlite3RegisterExtraFunctions"

Any help???  Or a quick work around to get STDEV and AVG functions that are
relatively fast.

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