I do not understand why lemon waits for one more token when it has
enough information to reduce.

I want to recognize :
foo = Bar()
when the token CLOSE_PAR is received, not when an extra token is parsed.

How can I avoid lemon waiting for the extra token before reducing ?

Thanks for your help !


=============== GRAMMAR           ==============
main        ::= commands.
commands    ::= .                             /* can be empty  */
commands    ::= WHITE_SPACE.
commands    ::= commands command.             /* many commands */

command ::= variable EQUAL class parameters. { printf("[new object]\n"); }
variable    ::= IDENTIFIER.
class       ::= CONST_IDENTIFIER.
parameters  ::= OPEN_PAR CLOSE_PAR.

===============  DEBUG OUTPUT ==============

Parser started.
> foo = Bar()
>>Reduce [commands ::=].
>>Shift 1
>>Stack: commands
>>Shift 21
>>Stack: commands IDENTIFIER
>>Input EQUAL
>>Reduce [variable ::= IDENTIFIER].
>>Shift 3
>>Stack: commands variable
>>Shift 4
>>Stack: commands variable EQUAL
>>Shift 20
>>Stack: commands variable EQUAL CONST_IDENTIFIER
>>Input OPEN_PAR
>>Reduce [class ::= CONST_IDENTIFIER].
>>Shift 5
>>Stack: commands variable EQUAL class
>>Shift 7
>>Stack: commands variable EQUAL class OPEN_PAR
>>Shift 8
>>Stack: commands variable EQUAL class OPEN_PAR CLOSE_PAR

At this point, lemon has all the information needed, but it waits
before reducing...

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