[Default] On Mon, 29 Oct 2007 15:00:51 +0100, "Michael Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I don't get an error code. So how should I decide if I should call >sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() or not? :) That's the problem - I don't have any >indication if an insert >was actually performed or if it was simply ignored - thus I don't have any >possibility to decide if the call is valid or not. This makes the OR IGNORE >clause or the sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() function useless for *my >purposes*. I would have never pursued this path in tests, if I would've >known beforehand that it is not reliable if used with ON CONFLICT clauses. > >Mike Perhaps http://www.sqlite.org/capi3ref.html#sqlite3_update_hook can help you solve your problem? -- ( Kees Nuyt ) c[_] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------