"Dani Valevski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I have a performance problem for a simple select with range.
> My Tables:
> CREATE TABLE locations(locid    INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ...);
> CREATE TABLE blocks(
>                 startIpNum INTEGER,
>                 endIpNum INTEGER,
>                 locId INTEGER)
> My Data:
> Blocks table has 2,776,436 rows
> Locations table has 159,488 rows
> My Query:
> select * from blocks,locations where locations.locid = blocks.locid AND ? >=
> blocks.startIpNum AND ? <= blocks.endIpNum
> (replace ? with a number)

To do searches of this kind with maximum efficiency, you normally
want to use a 1-dimensional R-Tree index.  SQLite does not support
RTree indices natively, though it is conceivable that you could
write a RTree virtual table extension for SQLite.

Without an RTree index, and unless you can exploit the distribution
of data in the blocks table, you really cannot do much better than a
full table scan on blocks with an indexed lookup of locations for
each matching block.  That is probably what is happening on your
original query before you added indices.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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