Bernie Cosell wrote:
> On 30 Oct 2007 at 14:05, James Dennett wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Bernie Cosell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > I'm trying to correct several little problems in a DB I have and
> > > now tried three [maybe four] freeware DB managers and not one
> > > a search function.
> > It would be very helpful if you'd define what you mean by "a search
> > function".  What databases *do* is store and search Data; SQLite
> > relational searches and full-text search, and other databases also
> > searching in various ways either for exact matches, LIKE clauses,
> > regexps, fuzzy search, natural language search, etc.
> I guess you've never used a [good] GUI-driven DB
> pgm. 

Your guess (luckily for me) is very wrong.  It's just that I call these
GUIs, not "DB managers".  They're handy.  I have a number of them
installed on the machine on which I write this, and I use them in
addition to command line tools.

> The problem is that it is *hugely* easier to do a few clicks and
> "search" than to keep typing in 80-character SELECTs until you get the
> WHERE clause just-right, and then go back and edit the command to be
> UPDATE (and don't mistype anything!).

That's not a problem, is it?  Just a question of using a tool at the
right level.  If you want to automate things, writing code is often a
good way.  If you want to do ad hoc work, a visual tool can be much more

> > I'm also wondering what you mean by a "DB manager" -- do you mean a
> > graphical user interface interfacing to an underlying database
> > or something else?
> Yes.  I'm not sure if you've had a chance to play with phpMyAdmin but
> makes administering, taking care of, and tweaking MySQL DBs a real
> The search function, for example, gives you a layout of the table and
> can put in the search-values for the fields you care about and then
> get a "minitable" of the search results [which are then easy to edit,
> delete, whatever].

So you're looking for a graphical tool to allow you to manually view and
modify information in a SQLite3 database?

-- James

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