
> Greetings,
> I followed one of the wiki notes on how a virtual table module method
> such as xUpdate should set error message for consumption upstream.  A
> code snippet is:
> ...
>         sqlite3_free(aVTab->zErrMsg);
>         aVTab->zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf( "No such FOO: %s", foo );
> ...
> where aVTab points to sqlite3_vtab.
> But my message gets ignored and replaced with stock error message
> associated with the return code such as:
>       "SQL logic error or missing database"
> Did I follow an obsolete note?  Is it possible to do what I want?  Is
> there a special return code I should return in such cases rather than

See: http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=2215

It would be great if this could be fixed.


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