
I'm currently using SQLite 3.4.1 and have been reading with interest the
large database thread.  I learned about the soft heap limit feature and was
considering using it.

While reading about the bug fixes for 3.4.2 and soft heap limit, I came
across a sample of setting the soft heap limit to 5000 bytes, in which
Ticket 2565 (http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=2565) indicates is a
low value.

I'm wondering how much memory SQLite typically uses, especially if using the
default disabled soft heap limit.  The reason I wonder is that we have a
single thread process all of our SQLite calls, and the thread has a stack
size of 16K.  I'm wondering if we're going to be running into lots of memory
problems without the soft heap limit in place, and if I chose to set the
soft limit to, say, 2K, is performance going to suffer greatly.

Just looking for some tuning adivce.


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