First off, I would like to say that although I have a lot of experience
with programming, most of it is in C#/Java and I do not have a lot of
experience with C++, although I have been working with SQLite for years.
I am attempting to create my own extension to use with SQLite but am
having problems.  Using the command line interface, when I load the
extension I get the following:

SQLite version 3.5.2
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> select load_extension('mydblib.dll');
SQL error: The specified procedure could not be found.

I have tried numerous things to get this to work but all have yielded
the same result.  I tried modifying the SQLite source to manually add
the function I created, modifying func.c, and was successfully able to
use it in the CLI.  However, I would much prefer to use an extension for
this purpose to avoid changing the source at each new release.  I am
implementing an aggregate function for concatenating results in a group
by field (similar to group_concat in MySQL) and have implemented the
necessary step and finalize methods for this and passing to

I am using Visual Studio 2005 to compile the project but also tried
using MinGW and had similar issues.  It could very well be that I am
simply compiling the library incorrectly as I do not have a lot of
experience with this in C++, but I am unsure at this point where to
point the finger (code issue/compiling issue/etcetera).  I searched the
SQLite source but cannot find anything on this error.  I am running this
with Windows Vista 32-bit in a command prompt run as administrator.

Thanks for any help, let me know if I need to post a link to the
source/my project for this.

Bob Dankert

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