> Not in principle. But I think changes that break backwards
> compatibility would be more trouble than they're worth for
> something like this. In the absence of clearer guidance
> from sql-92, it's probably more important to be compatible
> with earlier sqlite versions than with mysql and friends.
> Maybe it would be better to document the current behaviour
> and move on.
> Dan.

It would be tricky to document the current behavior accurately.
Compound queries with ORDER BY without aliases have never really worked 
in a uniform way in sqlite. I don't think fixing the issue will trouble 
people, as most must use column aliases and subqueries as a workaround 
for these problems anyway.

I think at the very least, the inconsistency of the column names in
the result set should be resolved:

SQLite version 3.5.3
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table foo(a);
sqlite> insert into foo values(1);
sqlite> .header on

sqlite> select foo.a from foo;

sqlite> select foo.a from foo union all select foo.a from foo;

sqlite> select foo.a from foo union all select foo.a from foo order by 1;

sqlite> select foo.a from foo union all select foo.a from foo group by 1;

Notice the column headings.
Why does the column name change in the result set because of the 
addition of an ORDER BY but not with a GROUP BY clause or with a 
regular non-compound query?

And should regular queries support expressions in ORDER BY, while
compound statements not?

sqlite> select a from foo order by a*a-3*a;

sqlite> select a from foo union all select a+5 as a from foo order by a*a-3*a;
SQL error: ORDER BY term number 1 does not match any result column

The only way to get this query to work is to use this workaround:

sqlite> select * from (select a from foo union all select a+5 from foo) order 
by a*a-3*a;

Other databases allow expressions in compound SELECT/ORDER BY without the

mysql> select a from foo union all select a+5 as a from foo order by a*a-3*a;
| a    |
|    1 |
|    6 |

I only have MySQL to test with here. I'm fairly certain it works on 
most other open source and popular commercial databases.

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