
> >> sno | id | amount
> >>> 1    | 1 |  200
> >>> 2    | 1 | 300
> >>> 3   |  2 | 100
> >>> 4  | 2 | 100
> >>> 5 | 1 | 500
> >>>
> >>> how could I subtract the sno 1 id 1 and sno 2 id 1 amount .
> >>
> >> select
> >>     (select amount from tableName where sno=1 and id=1) -
> >>     (select amount from tableName where sno=2 and id=1);
> >>
> >>
> > What if I do not have control over sno i.e it is  random or
> > unpredictable , I want to subtract it in order of occurrence. Like
> > doing subtracion of sno 2 and 5 and so on may be next occurance for
> > id 1 is at sno 20 , then what.
> I don't understand what you are trying to achieve. What would be the
> correct output on your example?

The table is tracking price change of a commodity that is in id column . We
need to calculate rise or fall of that commodity as per the last price . and
the second last price and latest price keep changing like


sno | id | amount
1    | 1 |  200     <<<  when I run query this is the first instance of the
commodity for id 1
 2    | 1 | 300     <<<  the first instance would be subtracted with the
second instance here
 3   |  2 | 100
 4  | 2 | 100
5 | 1 | 500   <<<  finally the fourth instance would be calculated
w.r.tthird for id 1


and So on , now since sno is autoincrement I do not have control over sno
and cannot run query w.r.t sno i.e I cannot predic in the table when
comodity price would change and at what serial number it would be.

Hoping I was success full this time , thanks for your time and patience .

Vishal Kashyap.
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