Can't you just perform a few simple string manipulations in your application to turn 080110 into 2008-01-10?<<

Exactly what I was about to suggest. I do it the other way around. One of my table columns has to contain dates, some of which are incomplete, for example "March 2001" [the table stores details of photos and many people don't keep any sensible record of when they take their photos]. So I store it as "200103--" and then manipulate this string when it comes to screen display. It's a very neat solution which both gives me a reasonably sortable date column in the table and enables a simple custom routine in my php online application to display the date in my website as "on 01 January 1986" (19860101), "in March 2001" (200103--), "in 2006" (2006----) or even "in the sixties" (196-----) or "on date unknown" (--------). Over the years I've got really fed up with database and spreadsheet programs that refuse to accept an incomplete date in a date column - I can see why they do it, but in real life data is often incomplete so you have to find other ways.

Michael Hooker

On 14/01/2008 15:48:32, Igor Tandetnik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
manohar s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a string of type "080110 17:32:34" where.08 refers year in yy
> format and 01 refers to month(mm) jan and 10  refers date(dd).
> I want to insert this into SQLite as any standard timestamp format
> such as YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS or unixepoch etc.. Is it possible to
> do this?

Can't you just perform a few simple string manipulations in your
application to turn 080110 into 2008-01-10?

Igor Tandetnik

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