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Nemanja Čorlija wrote:
> My problem is that I am running out of memory when trying to load
> 1.6GB sqlite3 db from disk to :memmory: db on a computer with 4GB of
> RAM.

Your RAM isn't the problem.  You are running out of address space.  For
a 32 bit process, the address space available is 4GB.  The operating
system typically reserves 1 or 2GB of that for its own uses (eg Linux
typically reserves 1GB, Windows reserves 2GB, I don't know what OSX does).

That means that all the shared libraries, your stack, each stack's
thread if the process is multithreaded, memory mapped files as well as
dynamically allocated memory all have to fit within that remaining
space.  In your case you ran out :-)

Here is an example of how to look at what is in a process' address space:


If you must take this :memory: approach then you will have to switch to
using a 64 bit process which will also require a 64 bit kernel and
processor.  (Note that the amount of physical RAM only affects performance).

However wanting the entire database in memory implies you are having
performance issues.  What were those?

The archives of this list contain many performance questions and
solutions.  The wiki also contains some, although nothing specific to
OSX.  This is an example for Windows:


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