On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 05:25:30PM -0500, Fowler, Jeff wrote:

> By the way.. I found this snippet. If I read it right, it seems that
> IGNORING trailing spaces during string comparisons is ANSI standard.

I'm not sure. I was always avoiding such problem by "trim"-ming everything
to be inserted; either before, or during insertion (directly in SQL query).

There is remark in Postgres docs, that it does follow SQL-92 - so probably
the above is a recommendation rather than a rule.

In the Postgres docs I've found:

  The notations varchar(n) and char(n) are aliases for character varying(n)
  and character(n) [..]
  Values of type character are physically padded with spaces to the specified
  width n, and are stored and displayed that way. However, the padding spaces
  are treated as semantically insignificant. Trailing spaces are disregarded
  when comparing two values of type character, and they will be removed when
  converting a character value to one of the other string types. Note that
  trailing spaces are semantically significant in character varying and text

So, you can just use "character" type, to have what you need. But I'm still
talking about Postgres ;) - and you were asking about SQLite.

I'm trimming it all anyway... ;)
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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