On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 02:54:40PM +0100, Michael Schlenker wrote:

> Not really true.
> If the part is wrapped in {} then for Tcl the $column is just an ordinary 
> string with no other meaning than foobar, and NO substitution takes place 
> before the string is passed to SQLite.

Yes, as I wrote already: I agree.

> SQLite then interprets the string again, like some Tcl commands do 
> themselfes and defines the semantics for its argument as:
> $name is an application variable if it appears in a place where an 
> application variable is valid.
> [..]
> Your usage fails, because the select list is no valid place to use 
> application variables, so SQLite does expand it there.

How is the definition of the "valid place"?
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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