sqlite-users@sqlite.org wrote:
> Hi all, 
> Hopefully you can help, while running sqlite version 3.5.5 
> Two seperate threads each attempt to run a vacuum command against the same 
> db. Each thread has an independent connnection to the db. 
> One thread succeeds and the other gets a return code of 1 (SQLITE_ERROR) from 
> sqlite3_step. 
> The sqlite3_error msg generated is "SQL logic error or missing database". The 
> Vacuum command is executed using the sqlite3_prepare_v2 interface. 
> This only seems to occur when the database is actually vacuumed by the first 
> thread. The second thread then gets this error.
> Thanks for any help.

Are you concerned that you are unable to do two vacuums
simulataneously, or are you asking that the error message
returned be adjusted to be more lucid?

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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