
> What do you expect to see?  From the code, I'm guessing something like:

This is "test-case" program for testing DBD-SQLite behavior. Dumper is
only for be sure, that data was read correctly from database.

> If you're just trying to silence the "closing dbh with active handles..." 
> warning, "undef $sth;" usually works for me.  I see you have it commented in 
> your code?  DBD-SQLite has spewed this warning for as long as I can remember. 
>  And $dbh->finish; doesn't squash it.

Yes, this is what I want. "undef $sth" doesn't work for statement that
was prepare_cached. Because statement is still allocated inside $dbh
buffers for cached statement.

> Also, I see you could save the sprintf and $dbh->quote by changing to:
> my $sql = "select a_session from sessions where id = ?";
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
> $sth->execute($sid);

Yes, i know, but this is only "test-case" program without any
optimization and code-beauty refactoring.

> In your example, the value of $sid, after doing the $dbh->quote, is parsed by 
> the SQL parser.  Doing that has always been unreliable for me, and it's 
> generally open to SQL injection.  In the example above, $sid isn't 
> parsed/compiled by SQLite, it's just passed as-is as a bound parameter after 
> $sth is prepared.

What kind of SQL injection is possible here?

> Are you building a web session manager using SQLite as the data store?  How 
> is Storable working for you?  I usually just use Data::Dumper, and eval the 
> stored hash.  But doing the eval has always worried me :-))

It's work without any problems for me handling over 150k hits/day.

Alexander Batyrshin aka bash
bash = Biomechanica Artificial Sabotage Humanoid
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