vl.pavlov wrote:
> hello & thanks 4 reply
> ok, i think i understand,
> i would like that you, if not prob., write the whole solution once with
> index on words

Here it is again.

     create table words (word text primary key, number integer);

     insert or replace into words values(:word,
         coalesce((select number from words where word = :word) + 1, 1));

I have changed the field name above from the original count to number to 
avoid confusion with the count() function in SQL.

The primary key constraint on the word column creates a unique index on 
the words with the word field in ascending order. That index is used to 
quickly locate a word in the table, or determine that the word is 
missing from the table.

The :word is a parameter to the insert statement that you bind to the 
word you want to insert. If you are generating the SQL as text then 
simply replace that identifier with a literal string containing the word 
to be inserted.

Dennis Cote

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