On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Fin Springs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can somebody with the ability to compile and test for wince
>  > please test check-in [4802] for me.
>  Is there a recommended way to run the tests on CE? I created a
>  VisualStudio project for sqlite3 but ran into some problems:
>  1) I couldn't see a way to generate sqlite3.h. I ended up using cygwin
>  with configure then make to get me sqlite3.h, parse.h, opcodes.h and
>  keywordhash.h and included those. Should I just inspect the configure
>  script to see how these are generated and try and incorporate that into
>  a build step in VisualStudio?

Use the pre-parsed zip files. It should work out of the box.

>  2) All the test files include tcl.h which CE (at least by default)
>  doesn't have, so I'm not sure how to run the unit tests. I haven't yet
>  gone through them to see if they use TCL or not though, to see if I can
>  just ifdef out the include.

There were people who managed to port TCL/TK to Windows CE, but if you
plan to run the unit tests you need to build tcl/tk yourself, because
you need the development files (the headers and libraries).

The easiest way I can see is by using cegcc (cegcc.sf.net), because it
works a bit like cygwin, meaning it emulates a lot of the posix
functionality. The same project also includes a "mingw32-like" cross
compiler for WinCE, but that may mean some tweaking.

Many years ago someone managed to run the test suite on the
sqlite-wince.sf.net port, so it is possible (at the time the cegcc
project didn't exist yet, so now it should be easier).

Also, to run the test suite you may find something like PocketConsole
may be of help (to have a command prompt on CE). Off course nothing
prevents you from making a small GUI front-end (or redirect output to
a file).

>  3) I'm not familiar with the extensions (FTx and ICU) so I'm not sure
>  whether they need to be compiled in for testing, or if all possible
>  combinations need to be built and then tested.

This are optional, and I believe they don't make part of the standard
tests (and I don't know of a ICU port for WinCE).

>  4) What flavours of CE would you like the tests to be run on? Consumer
>  devices these days typically run either Pocket PC 2003 or Windows Mobile
>  5 which are basically fixed configurations of Windows CE 4.2 and 5
>  respectively, plus some apps (Pocket Word etc). Plain-old Windows CE
>  devices can have pretty much any subset of CE's features on them, as
>  it's up to the OEM to decide which components to include when they
>  configure the platform for their device.

The SQLite CE port only works out-of-the-box for 4.x and latter, so I
believe this two should the ones to be tested (I'm not fully sure
about 4.0).

There is bug in sqlite when opening files with Unicode characters with
the UTF-8 version of sqlite3_open - ticket 2479 [1]. I believe that is
because the OEM removed the UTF-8 character mapping from the OS build.
The ticket has a possible workaround.

~Nuno Lucas

[1] http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=2479

>  Cheers,
>  Dave
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