Friday, February 29, 2008, 8:29:16 AM, you wrote:

YZ> It seems that sqlite3 does not support DATETIME data type.

YZ> If I have the following data in table t1, how do I select people who is
YZ> older than certain date?

YZ> create table t1(dob text, name text);
YZ> insert into t1('11/12/1930', 'Larry');
YZ> insert into t1('2/23/2003', 'Mary');

YZ> select * from t1 where dob < '3/24/1950';

Well I'm very new to SQLite but I think you need to use the formats
specified on "Date And Time Functions" Wiki page: 

Trying to compare dates in the format you have used would require
conversion to something sensible like YYYY-MM-DD

I am personally a big fan of the ISO-8601 format and use them

Best regards,
  Neville Franks,

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