Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 01:03:01PM -0500, P Kishor wrote:
>> why is it the I had to do the above? Why is LD_LIBRARY_PATH not set
>> automatically? And, since it wasn't set, how come other programs were
>> working fine (assuming that other programs in the /usr/local/bin space
>> were looking for libs in /usr/local/lib as well
>> And, what can I do to make LD_LIBRARY_PATH permanent?
> You don't have to.
> If you run "./configure --help" before any compilation, it'll show you its
> switches. For example:
> #v+
> [..]
> Installation directories:
>   --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
>                           [/usr/local]
> [..]
>   --libdir=DIR           object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib]
> ...and some "influential environment variables" as well:
>   LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
>               nonstandard directory <lib dir>
>   LIBS        libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
> #v-
> So, you can set it all *before*.
I agree with Zbigniew. When I compile SQLite in CentOS 5, I use
something like the following `configure` line:

(First unpack the source code, then create an sqlite-x.x.x/bld
directory, then cd into that)

../configure --prefix=/usr/local/sqlite-x.x.x --enable-threadsafe
make install

You could put '3.5.6' where you see x.x.x and get a
/usr/local/sqlite-3.5.6 binary directory when you `make install`.

After `make install` I like to edit /etc/ld.so.conf to point to the
/usr/local/sqlite-x.x.x/lib directory and then run `ldconfig`.

However I don't know if this is a best practice or what others would
recommend. I know I can run into trouble if I have multiple sqlite
version libraries in /etc/ld.so.conf:


What happens here is the running `sqlite3` results in version 3.5.3
being run, even if my path is set to point to
/usr/local/sqlite-3.5.6/bin. I'm not sure what I'll do if the day comes
when I need to access earlier versions of sqlite. I have a bunch of
those in /usr/local now.

The final step I do after building SQLite is to change my path to point
to /usr/local/sqlite-x.x.x/bin. Again, understand that x.x.x refers to
the version you are building.


Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

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