>  sqlite> CREATE TABLE abc2(a, b, c);
>  sqlite> CREATE VIEW abc2_v AS SELECT * FROM abc2;
>  sqlite> SELECT * FROM abc2_v;
>  sqlite> ALTER TABLE abc2 ADD COLUMN d;
>  ================================================================
>  I would expect the view to give 4 columns after the alter, not 3.
>  as the following direct select shows.

I started out by explaining why SQLite was not doing what you
expected, and then I found out that there does in fact seem to be a
bug afoot.

There are two reasonable behaviors here:

1. Preserving the "*"ness, so that adding a column to the relevant
source table will add the column to the view
2. Expand the '*' at view-creation-time, so that adding columns to the
source table(s) does not affect the view (I'm pretty sure PostgreSQL
works like this)

It looks like SQLite mostly does the first one.  However, if a table
is altered, the schema cache is not flushed.  Watch!

D:\>sqlite3 tmp.db
SQLite version 3.5.6
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> create table abc2 (a,b,c);
sqlite> insert into abc2 values(1,2,3);
sqlite> create view abc2_v as select * from abc2;
sqlite> select * from abc2_v;
sqlite> alter table abc2 add column d;
sqlite> select * from abc2_v;

As you can see, SQLite hasn't realized that abc2_v needs to be
updated. However, if I open another command prompt and run:

D:\>sqlite3 tmp.db
SQLite version 3.5.6
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table xyz(a);

This increments the schema version, which will invalidate the schema
cache (and any prepared statements, but that doesn't really apply to
So, back in the original terminal:

sqlite> select * from abc2_v;

Looking at the 'alter2.test' source at
I can see that the "alter_table" function appears to open a dedicated
connection to the database, which means when the "execsql" function is
then called, it is not on the same connection as the "alter_table" one
and cannot take advantage of the database cache.

I think we might need an alter2b.test, and maybe even an
alternot2b.test (ba-dum-pshh!)

-- Stevie-O
Real programmers use COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
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