My SQLite library is built from the single translation unit
sqlite.c/sqlite.h.  That file contains the version number 3.3.17.

I do not have valgrind, but circumstantial evidence that this is a
SQLite problem is strong.  When stepping through my code, I see that
my application's memory jumps by over 2.5 megabytes when the
sqlite3_step() method is called when using either the sorted query or
the query using max().  The unsorted query doesn't show any memory
jump.  Also, the difference in memory consumption before this part of
the code is executed and after it is left is the same size as the jump
in memory when sqlite3_step() is called.


On 3/20/08, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It might be helpful to include the version of sqlite.
> Have you run your code through a memory analysis routine such as valgrind, to 
> validate that the leak is not occuring in your application code?
> HTH,
> Ken
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