I'm working on a commercial, boxed, desktop product. I can't be  
creating new mounted disks on a customer's system every time he uses  
my application.

How about this...

suppose I create a temporary db file on disk. Each task ( a thread)  
opens a connection to the temp file and attaches an in-memory db to  
it. The task then writes to tables in the attached in-memory db. When  
the task is done, the tables in the in-memory db are merged into the  
disk file and the attached in-memory db is closed. reader connections  
would only read from the disk file.

Will such a design give me full concurrency on my writer tasks until  
they are ready to flush their results to the disk file? As I  
understand it, the attached db won't be locked by reading done on the  
disk file.


On Apr 18, 2008, at 10:33 :39AM, Dennis Cote wrote:

> James Gregurich wrote:
>> If the sqlite statement had a temporary storage area so that I could
>> load up a bunch of rows and then commit them in one shot so that the
>> lock on the db was not held very long by a single transaction, that
>> would probably work.
> Using a RAM disk you could insert rows into one database as they are
> generated. This would be your batch.
> Then periodically attach that database to the main database and copy  
> all
> the new rows to the main DB table in one in a auto transaction.
>     attach "batch.db" as batch;
>     begin;
>     insert into main.tbl select * from batch.tbl;
>     delete from batch.tbl;
>     commit;
>     detach batch;
> This will only lock the main database for a short period while it is
> updated.
>> However, my reading of the documentation leads me to believe that
>> using the bind functions in a loop with an insert statement will lock
>> the entire in-memory DB until the bulk insert is done....which  
>> means I
>> would get no benefit from concurrency.
>> Is this correct?
> Readers are blocked by a writer until the write transaction is  
> committed.
>> BTW: does the question I posed on modifying the library to add a
>> feature to attach  an in-memory data stores to another one via the C
>> API belong on the sqlite-dev list?
> That list doesn't get much traffic. Your question was fine here.
> It would be fairly involved to change the handling of in memory
> databases. They don't have names to use with the attach command, and
> they don't do any locking since they can only be accessed from a  
> single
> connection currently. The locking in SQLite is done with POSIX file
> locks which can't be used for in memory databases since they aren't
> files. You're welcome to try of course, but it seems like a lot of  
> work
> for little return when there are other ways to do what you want.
> Dennis Cote
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