You don't want to use double quotes for strings actually, they can
refer to column names. The correct way is to use single quotes (') and
escape the quotes in actual text by using two single quotes ('').


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 12:47 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am converting text data from another database into SQLite. Some text
>  data has embedded apostrophes like this:
>     This was George's big day
>  Other data has embedded double quotes like this:
>     The box is 3" wide
>  I am generating INSERT INTO statements for thousands of records to be used
>  in a Windows script to move the data into SQLite. I am needing to use
>  different statement (with different delmiters) for each of the above
>  2 scenarios:
>  INSERT INTO tbl VALUES("This was George's big day");
>  INSERT INTO tbl VALUES('The box is 3" wide');
>  Double-quotes wrap the apostrophe in #1, apostrophes wrap the double-quote
>  in #2. But this means I need to parse the data content for every field in
>  order to generate the INSERTs. Is there a single set of delimiters that
>  would handle both scenarios without having to parse the data first?
>  Chris
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  Christopher F. Martin
>  School of Medicine
>  Center for Digestive Diseases & Nutrition
>  CB# 7555, 4104 Bioinformatics Bldg.
>  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
>  Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-7555
>  Phone: 919.966.9340       Fax: 919.966.7592
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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