On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 1:09 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've implemented this behaviour in my program. I was just curious whether
> it was possible in sql when I learnt about the Left Join (as there are more
> values in one column than the other).
> I guess it isn't or is not really the proper use of the database. Thanks
> very much for the prompt replies though.
> I'll also have to sort out the date entry bit.

Ah, okay :) Cool.

Just for the  heck  of it, I decided to attempt what you were going for.

I do not, repeat, I do NOT recommend using this technique.  I'm just proving
what SQLite is capable of if you put a sufficiently twisted mind towards it

CREATE TABLE Calls (id integer primary key, houseId integer, date date);
CREATE TABLE Letters (id integer primary key, houseId integer, date date);
CREATE TABLE callSeq (sequence integer primary key, date date);
CREATE TABLE letterSeq (sequence integer primary key, date date);
CREATE INDEX Calls_HouseId on Calls(houseId);
CREATE INDEX Letters_HouseId on Letters(houseId);
sqlite> .dump
CREATE TABLE Calls (id integer primary key, houseId integer, date date);
INSERT INTO "Calls" VALUES(1,1,'2008-05-15');
INSERT INTO "Calls" VALUES(9,1,'2008-05-28');
INSERT INTO "Calls" VALUES(10,1,'2008-05-28');
INSERT INTO "Calls" VALUES(24,16,'2008-05-15');
INSERT INTO "Calls" VALUES(27,16,'2008-05-15');
INSERT INTO "Calls" VALUES(31,16,'2008-05-15');
CREATE TABLE Letters (id integer primary key, houseId integer, date date);
INSERT INTO "Letters" VALUES(1,16,'2008-05-26');
INSERT INTO "Letters" VALUES(3,16,'2008-05-27');
INSERT INTO "Letters" VALUES(4,16,'2008-05-28');
INSERT INTO "Letters" VALUES(7,16,'2008-05-16');
CREATE INDEX Calls_HouseId on Calls(houseId);
CREATE INDEX Letters_HouseId on Letters(houseId);

And here's the magic:

create temporary table letterSeq (sequence integer primary key, date date);
create temporary table callSeq (sequence integer primary key, date date);

insert into letterSeq (date) select date from Letters where houseId=16 order
by date desc;
insert into callSeq (date) select date from Calls where houseId=16 order by
date desc;
insert into callSeq (date) select NULL from Letters where (select count(*)
from callSeq) < (select count(*) from letterSeq);

select l.date as LetterDate, c.date as CallDate
        callSeq c
        join letterSeq l on c.sequence = l.sequence
order by c.sequence;

Let the IOSQC (International Obfuscated SQLite Querying Contest) begin!

-- Stevie-O
Real programmers use COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
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