steffen scheer wrote:
> Hey all
> I want to use sqlite as a storage engine for DNA sequence data. It is 
> part of a workflow engine for DNA processing. I was wondering whether i 
> chose the right db design.
> The db holds information about DNA sequences. Arranged in three tables.
> For every dna sequence one entry in all 3 tables will be made (1:1 
> Relation). Data will be inserted once, never deleted, but some 
> attributes get updated.
To me, KISS (keep it simple, stupid) rules until its performance has 
been shown to be unacceptable.

Surely you can create a dummy db file with nonsense data of typical size 
all in a single table and see whether it meets your needs.

Keeping 2 or 3 tables in synch is not a difficult task, but it is a 
potential source for error.



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